After being a tent camper for years and years, I recently purchased a teardrop camper. I bought it mainly for security and safety while traveling. I hope to join some communities of women campers to make more friends and connections.

I am a reader and a writer; a momma and a grandma; a sister and a daughter. I have been a teacher and librarian for over 25 years. I used to blog here for new teachers, but now I have changed to blogging about my travels, and just for fun.

I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Paying it Forward

This evening, while scrolling through the list of blogs I follow, I found "Pay It Forward" on Becky Povich's Blog. What a wonderful idea!
~The Rules~

ME: I will create something handmade to send to the First Five People who leave a comment on this post saying they would like to participate!

YOU: To play along you must be willing to repost this and do the same, offering something handmade to five other people. (At this part of The Rules, it didn't say the five people must be the first five to leave a comment on your blog, but that seems to be the thing to do.)

ME: So, I left a comment on Becky Povich's Blog and if I'm correct, I was the first person! Yay! That means I'll get something homemade from her!

My handmade "something" will probably be teacher-related. I hope you enjoy paying it forward in your teaching career. I know I've paid lots of stuff forward to my colleagues. Be sure you do the same.

YOU & ME, BOTH: All handmade "gifts" will be sent sometime in 2011. Mine will be sent by the end of February...or else I'll forget! ☺

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