After being a tent camper for years and years, I recently purchased a teardrop camper. I bought it mainly for security and safety while traveling. I hope to join some communities of women campers to make more friends and connections.

I am a reader and a writer; a momma and a grandma; a sister and a daughter. I have been a teacher and librarian for over 25 years. I used to blog here for new teachers, but now I have changed to blogging about my travels, and just for fun.

I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Truth Tuesday I

“Truths” are quotes or statements that I sincerely believe and adhere to. They aren’t really rules, like “Respect others”; they are just simple truths about living and learning. I love the book of Proverbs, so there may be some of those here in the future. I also found a lot of these “truths” in a book called Inspiring Discipline, A Practical Guide for Today’s Classrooms by Merrill Harmin. The book is over 15 years old, but these truth statements will always be true and used in a classroom with kids, will be effective in helping them to learn how to live and work peacefully together or alone. I have some of these statements posted in my office, to remind myself to be patient with myself and others, and to be courageous and peaceful.

Everyone needs time to think and learn.

Powerful. Potent. Compelling. I am typically impatient with myself when I don’t immediately understand and learn something new. It is frustrating! I just need to remember this particular truth!

The world now is seeking immediacy in everything; fast food, faster internet, instant messaging, etc. When we hear something or try to learn something new, it takes a moment to process through our brain. For example, if I said “I want to live in Italy”, it would take you a few moments to really think about what that entails: how would I get there, how much does it cost, why, when will you go, what would you do there, where would you live, and so on.

In the classroom you could read this truth statement and discuss with students what they think it means. Ask questions about how long it takes to learn a new skill – tell a story about when you had to take a long time to learn something new. Post a sign with this statement to help students to remind themselves to give it time when they want to learn something new. There’s no need to rush. Why? Because, as the sign says, everyone needs time to think and learn.

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